Environment and Green Energy Policy

Environment and Green Energy Policy

In order to leave a clean and healthy environment for future generations, Jutesan Aluminium has established its environmental and green energy policy by setting targets to reduce its potential effects on the environment, energy, waste, ecosystem, climate, carbon footprint, water, soil, air, biodiversity and natural resources.


●            To reduce its environmental impact and improve its environmental performance according to the principles of sustainable development and circular economy.

●            Investing in environmental innovation in its products and services and focusing on best practices, assessing the environmental impacts of its activities and searching for ways to reduce or eliminate them.

●            To implement national and/or international environmental standards in its products and production.

●            To follow global developments, scientific research and technologies related to environmental management.

●            Identify environmental risks and opportunities by integrating the environmental management system into business processes and strategies, and take measures to minimize environmental risks.

●            To set and implement goals with a focus on Clean Environment and efficient energy and to provide the necessary resources to achieve these goals.

●            Reviewing risks and opportunities with a life cycle approach to improve its environmental performance.

●            Regularly providing its employees with fitting and sufficient information on energy management, water management, soil management, climate change, pollution prevention, biodiversity conservation and natural resource consumption.

●            Ensure that its employees are trained and competent in environmental issues.

●            Aiming to be a leader in the field of environment in the sector in which it operates, creating synergy, sharing good practices, developing and disseminating cooperation, integrating good practice principles and standards into business processes.


●            To use energy and resources effectively for sustainable production in harmony with nature.

●            To care about "Green Energy" in order to protect nature and future generations.

●            Investing in renewable energy sources where feasible.

●            To increase the use of renewable energy sources and energy efficiency studies.

●            Implementing the most efficient energy systems by using the best technology in all processes.

●            Analyze its existing system, evaluate opportunities to increase efficiency and integrate appropriate improvements.


●            Minimizing waste generation. To try to prevent waste generation with a zero waste and circular economy approach.

●            To try to reduce waste at its source and to ensure that the waste generated is recycled.

●            To try to reduce consumption and prioritize the use of waste as a resource as much as possible.

●            Recycling waste in an appropriate and conscious manner.


●            Contribute to the conservation of ecosystems, habitats and all species, especially endangered species and endemic species.

●            Focus on sustaining, restoring and enhancing the capacities of natural ecosystems.

●            Aim to sustainably manage impacts on biodiversity to support and conserve biodiversity.

Climate and Carbon Footprint

●            Considering climate-related risks and opportunities.

●            Carry out activities to combat the climate crisis and contribute to the transition to a low carbon economy.

●            Striving to reduce its carbon footprint as much as possible through the use of sectoral best practices and best technologies to reduce its impact on climate change.

●            Carrying out necessary practices and controls to prevent air pollution.

●            Focus on efficient use of energy and resources.

●            Acting with the awareness of taking responsibility to leave a better and livable habitat for future generations.

Natural Resources

●            To take necessary actions for the protection of natural resources.

●            Comply with national and international legislation on natural resources.

●            To ensure that natural resources are not consumed more than necessary.

●            Ensure that natural resources are used in an ecologically efficient and conscious manner. 

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